Who leads the Daesh criminals? Is he a ghost? Is he real? Has Chat.GPT been asked to take charge?
On August 3rd 2023 Daesh have announced the “name” of a new leader Abu Hafs al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, however they gave no further information, no speech, no image, no video and no Caliph. Speculation has surrounded the so called leader of Daesh now for several years. Since the criminal Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi was in charge, no leader of the group has made a public appearance or been seen anywhere.
They use the name Hashimi and Qurashi to imply that the Caliph is legitimate, due to his descendance from the Prophet Muhammad’s immediate clan and wider tribe. But they have claimed this for all of their supposed leaders, how do they know? Do they all take a DNA test? Terrorleaks very much doubts that there is any veracity in their claims, it seems obvious that they make up this characteristic in a blatant attempt to justify their criminality. Indeed the document later in this article helps to shed light on this duplicitous behavior.

The below document that was issued on Rabi` al-Thani 29, 1444, that is, only eight days after the killing of the “caliph” Abi al-Hasan (Saif of Baghdad). Was a message from the “Delegated Committee” to the Emir of the General Administration of States (Abu Sarah Al-Iraqi) informing him of the killing of Abu Al-Hassan Al-Hashemi and that the “Shura Council of the Islamic State” had met and pledged allegiance to Abu Al-Hussain Al-Husseini Al-Qurashi, who accepted the allegiance.
Abu Sarah, in turn, sent this circular to all the leaders of the regional offices informing them of the death of the “caliph”, and asked them to take the pledge of allegiance from the pleaders and soldiers to the new caliph.

This letter is irrefutable evidence of the extent of the lie played by Abu Sarah Al-Iraqi to delude everyone that the state is still based on solid administrative and legal foundations. Abu Sarah was the delegated committee and the Shura Council, as well as the Emir of the General Administration of States. After the killing of Abu Sarah al-Iraqi, all these bodies disappeared automatically, and for this reason we did not see or hear about any such generalization confirming the killing of Abu al-Hussain, because the authorities authorized to confirm the killing of the caliph and the installation of a new caliph (the delegated committee and the Shura Council) are fake institutions. They did not exist and once the puppet controller of them, Abu Sarah al-Iraqi was killed there was no body in charge to manage the issue.
It seems likely now that there has not been real Caliph for many years and that the hollow figurehead of Daesh’s false state has simply been a character written and thought up by a small clique of individuals. A Shadow Caliph, like smoke you cannot touch him and all you will see is lies and deceit .